Thursday, 13 February 2014

My Valentine's Day Favourites

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Hello everyone,

Valentine's Day is the second most popular day of the year when it comes to greeting card sales.
It's a celebration of love , it's an excuse to be romantic , it's a happy holiday!! If you ask me , why not celebrate it?

Here are some of the things I love about Valentine's Day

1) Chocolate treats.
It's an excuse to be romantic, but it's also an good excuse to eat lots of chocolate.

2) Date night.
 You should make the effort to have date nights at least once a month in my opinion in order to have a lasting relationship . I know that when children are in the picture, nights like that are usually a luxury, so why not take advantage of the most romantic night of the year and show your partner a great night out?

3) Valentine's Day restaurant menus.
Usually they are a great deal and an extra effort has been put in.

4)Romantic movies.
Favourite movies for this time of the year are of course The Notebook ( I hear Ryan Gosling is single again) Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola, Love Actually and my all time favourite Bridget Jone's Diary.

5) Presents!!
A card with a few special words, flowers, you favourite perfume, it can be anything, it's the gesture and not the price tag.

Whether you celebrate Valentine's day or not, be sure to appreciate your partner and be grateful for what you have.

What are you doing on this special day ? What are you five favourite things about the holiday?


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