Monday, 6 January 2014

Welcome 2014 !

Oh no! It's happened again.
Lets not discuss the fact that it has been a few months since I spoke to you all and lets not discuss that I am another year older! (sad face)
The year just gone was a good one, every year that I have survived with health and hapiness for me and my loved ones can only be considered a good one. If you are healthy you can accomplish anything!
I am lucky to have health and be surrounded by people I love, I intend to keep it that way... !
Actually here are all the things I intend to do in 2014 -

Love me a little more - I have a health/diet plan starting this coming week, I'm hoping that it will help me to remain  fit and healthy.
Blog more - Doesn't every blogger have this as a years resolution anyway?
Listen to more music - I love listening to music and I seem  to restrict myself to it only when I'm travelling.
Shop less / Save more - I'm running out of space in my wardrobe!!
Nice and simple.

Have you got any New Years resolutions and if so, how do you keep to them?

Dina xxx

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